Our Vision: Faith Communities with No Mental Health Stigma 

We’re a collaborative of faith communities, working together to help destigmatize mental illness to make sure all people can find the free, customized, and confidential help they need.

We have a navigation line and follow-up services that are free, individualized, and confidential. You won’t have to walk alone. Learn more.

Why choose Mental Health Connect?
Navigating the ins and outs of the mental health system is overwhelming when mental symptoms are present. We support people in their desire to feel better and embrace their strengths by providing resources, support, and education needed in the journey to mental health and wellness.

Download this poster and place it in a private space.

Register for MHC’s Annual Stories of Hope Breakfast!

Join us May 8th for our uplifting Stories of Hope breakfast, a heartwarming event hosted by Mental Health Connect. This year, our fundraiser shines a spotlight on youth mental health, showcasing real stories from young individuals and families facing mental health struggles.

Your contributions at this event will help sustain our impactful work all year round. Let’s come together to spread hope and to support each other!


Your mental wellbeing
pocket guide

MHC has created a pocket guide to help you manage your mental wellbeing—print it, give it to others, and keep a copy with you.

Download the pocket guide.

Print on 8.5x11 paper and fold twice.

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

Mental Health Ministry & MHC

“Working with Mental Health Connect was inspirational and helpful—their ‘Enhancing a Mental Health Ministry’ program provided us with tools and up-to-date information to help us move forward with a comprehensive Mental Health Ministry. Thank you, Mental Health Connect! Our community is able to feel safe and open to sharing without judgements. We’ll continue to strive for the most current mental health information so we can serve our community as they need it.”

-Julie Goodman, Director of Congregational Care, Mount Olivet Lutheran Church

Looking to enhance or begin your Mental Health Ministry?
Connect with Rev. Hannah.

Executive Director Rev. Hannah Campbell Gustafson uses the words stigma-busting and culture-shifting as she shares why she’s passionate about the work she’s doing today.

We’ll come to
your community

During a recent Collaborative conversation, a majority of the people in the room raised their hands as we asked them very important mental health questions during worship.
Watch the video to learn more. 17:57 - 26:58

Would you like us to come to you?
Connect with Rev. Hannah.

We can help one person at a time, together. We’re a collaborative of faith communities working together to destigmatize mental health care—we encourage you, and those around you, to reach out to us for help when you need it. Learn more.

Mental health resources, community resources, and support groups are available for you to help educate yourself. You’re welcome to start with our education menu—find a topic you’re most interested in learning about.

Reaching out to a Navigator is free, individualized, and confidential. Our Navigators help remove barriers and complexity so that you can gain access to the right providers or resources for your unique situation. Connect with a Navigator today.

Vision, mission, and values

Faith communities with no mental health stigma.

As a collaborative of faith communities, Mental Health Connect builds capacity by providing support and education to reduce sigma and improve access to mental health services.

We believe mental health is health and everyone deserves health care—no exceptions. Each person is worthy of dignity, respect and love. Working at the intersection of faith and mental health we value:

  • Inclusion - Embracing a diversity of backgrounds, faiths and spiritual beliefs.

  • Collaboration - Working together to de-stigmatize mental illness.

  • Hope - Seeing, hearing, supporting and understanding.

  • Support - Accompanying individuals navigating mental health services and resources.
